速報APP / 遊戲 / Super Jamelito

Super Jamelito


檔案大小:130.1 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 7.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Super Jamelito(圖1)-速報App

This is a classic adventure in which Super Jamelito needs to pass through all levels in a captivating setting. It’s a new addictive, thrilling and

challenging jungle adventure hit. Something totally refreshing that will remind you of the old school jump and run platform / obstacles runner.

In this classic platformer game you will have to prove your adventure jump skills. The platformer gameplay is highly improved so you

will have a smooth interaction with your characters. Run and try to reach the castle before the times is up. Have platform jump gaming fun!

Along the way collect coins and use them for extra life. But watch your jumping, because going for all coins will make you lose the game.

Use the superpowers to reach your destination, don't forget about boss fighting.

HOW TO PLAY Super Jamelito:

• For moving the caves character click on right or left on the control pad.

• Click down for ducking or on some tree stumps to get to a bonus level.

• Press Jump-button to make Super Sandy jumping.

• After eating an mushroom you become Super Silver Jamelito and will be able to

Super Jamelito(圖2)-速報App

superman! + after eating a golden flower you become Super Golden Jamelito and

will be able to shoot flowers – press Fire-Button for shooting.

• Super Jamelito swimming: press Jump-Button multiple times to swim higher … release your

finger from button to go down!

Super Jamelito FEATURES::

* 100 beautiful classic jump levels, well-designed and challenging levels with increasing difficulty

* awesome boss fights (angry scorpion, dangerous spider, bee and crocodile boss) in 8 different castles

* many power ups, bonus levels, hidden blocks and bonus items

* over 20 different, great animated enemies such as crocks, frogs, spiders, snails and many more

* perfect, intuitive game control through retro control pad like on console games

* special caves skills hidden in destroy able blocks and bricks

Super Jamelito(圖3)-速報App

Super Jamelito is a classic game with modern graphics and adventure gameplay.

This game will make you want to play more and more.

Super Jamelito(圖4)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad